Inhabitants will also enjoy some of the choicest eats the End Times will have to offer. There’s also a stockpile of guns and ammunition and even a pet kennel and faux dog park so even ol’ Rover can join the family come Armageddon.
This complex features a full gym, an infirmary, and two generators, as well as a high-grade air filtration systems to filter nuclear, biological, and chemical particulates. This isn’t just some drab, concrete-reinforced hole in the earth. The site was recently purchased and upgraded by the Vivos Corporation. This underground complex was built during to the Cold War to withstand a near direct-hit from a 20-megaton nuclear bomb. These four bunkers were designed to survive the apocalypse, even if humans do not.
While our infrastructure and security systems are designed with backups and fail-safes, these may only delay the inevitable. As best illustrated by Bonini’s paradox, as any system increases in complexity, it too becomes less understandable and consequently even less predictable. Be it a solar flare, pandemic, or nuclear bomb, it would take very little for this order to give way to mass entropy.